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January 8, 2016 2:45 pm
●Charles Koch attacks Republican hopefuls
Trump and Cruz
Stephen Foley in New York
One of the largest donors to the US Republican
party has attacked Donald Trump and Ted Cruz’s anti-Muslim rhetoric, claiming
that ideas floated by the frontrunners in the presidential nomination campaign
could complicate the battle against extremist Islamists.
Charles Koch’s comments in an interview
with the FT not only put him sharply at odds with both Mr Trump and Mr Cruz but
reflect his disillusion with the broad field of Republican presidential
Billionaire Mr Koch, who along with his
brother David controls a network of rightwing think tanks and political action
groups that plan to spend $889m to promote free market causes and influence
this year’s US elections, said Mr Trump’s idea for registering and banning the
entry of Muslims would “destroy our free society”.
Breaking with many Republican candidates’
call for an intensified war on Islamist terrorism, Mr Koch argued that military
interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan had failed to make the US safer.
Referring to the number of countries hosting the world’s 1.6bn Muslim
population, he added: “What are we going to do: go bomb each one of them?”
Mr Trump repeated his proposals for a ban
on Muslim tourism and immigration to the US in a TV advertisement this week,
his first of the campaign. The latest national polls give him a double-digit
percentage lead over rivals and he continues to attract crowds of thousands to
his rallies.
Questioned about Mr Trump’s proposals, Mr
Koch asked: “Who is it that said, ‘If you want to defend your liberty, the
first thing you have got to do is defend the liberty of people you like the
Other Republican candidates are also
competing with Mr Trump to sound tough on Islamist terrorism, in the wake of
shootings in San Bernardino, California, last month. Mr Cruz, leading in polls
in Iowa, which holds the February 1 caucus that kicks off the presidential
contest, vowed to carpet-bomb Isis strongholds at the most recent Republican
television debate, which took place after the interview with Mr Koch.
“I have studied revolutionaries a lot,”
said Mr Koch, the chairman and chief executive of Koch Industries, the US’s
second largest privately held company, and something of a hate figure for the
American left.
Over a pulled-pork sandwich in the staff
canteen of Koch Industries, the businessman at its helm talks about
power-broking for the Republicans and reshaping his ‘evil guy’ image
“Mao said that the people are the sea in
which the revolutionary swims. Not that we don’t need to defend ourselves and
have better intelligence and all that, but how do we create an unfriendly sea
for the terrorists in the Muslim communities. We haven’t done a good job of
Mr Koch said his political organisation had
presented all the Republican candidates with a list of issues it wanted on the
agenda — including an end to subsidies and tax breaks for corporations, cutting
the red tape required to set up small businesses, a large deficit reduction
plan, and criminal justice reform — but that “it doesn’t seem to faze them
He added that Mr Trump was “not the only
one that’s saying a lot of things that we disagree with . . . If we only supported organisations and politicians that we agreed
with 100 per cent, we wouldn’t support anybody.”